Love Be With Me
Love with me, Love before me, Love behind me,
Love in me, Love beneath me, Love above me,
Love on my right, Love on my left,
Love where I lie, Love where I sit, Love where I arise,
Love in the heart of everyone who thinks of me,
Love in the mouth of every one who speaks to me,
Love in every eye that sees me,
Love in every ear that hears me.
Salvation is of the Lord.
Salvation is of the Love.
May your salvation, Lord, be ever with us.
I hope Love is with you today.
St. Patrick Bio
St. Patrick is Ireland’s patron saint, although he is not Irish himself, he is known for spreading Christianity throughout the country as a missionary during the 5th century. His real name is believed to be Maewyn Succat and he took on the name Patrick upon becoming a priest. As a teen Patrick was captured by pirates, and sold into slavery in Ireland to herd and tend sheep. During his six-year captivity, he became fluent in the Irish language, he turned to God in prayer. He escaped after having a dream sent from God in which he was told to leave Ireland by going to the coast where he would find a ship waiting to sail to Britain. The shamrock appeared in these dreams. This was the tool reputedly used by Saint Patrick to illustrate the Holy Trinity to convert the Irish pagans Saint Patrick’s Breastplate: Also known as The Lorica, this was the hymn said to have been sung by Patrick and his followers on their pilgrimage to Tara as they attempted to put a stop to the pagan rituals. Saint Patrick’s Day Parades: Contrary to popular belief, this tradition did not originate in Ireland. The first St. Patrick’s Day celebration in America was in 1737 hosted by the Charitable Irish Society of Boston. Today festive parades are held all over the world. |
The original version of Love Be With Me is Christ Be With Me and can be found below:
Filed under: Living Right Tagged: Appreciation, authenticity, caring, happiness, Kindness, Love, self growth, Values