“Do what’s right for you…nothing good happens out of fear.“ –Juliana Margulies
Juliana is an accomplished actress with ER and The Good Wife. As an actress, she faces fear continually in performing under pressure, or simply lining up her next role. Yet as challenging as that is, she encourages us to do what’s right for us… to follow our calling… and to never be ruled by FEAR. Remember that FEAR is False Evidence Appearing Real. Don’t let the appearance delude you.
Follow what you are called to; follow the truth for you; and you are going to find a beautiful pathway of expression of yourself, filled with peace and happiness.
Then encourage others to do the same, so they can be their full selves too. No one deserves to be ruled by fear. Be ruled by Truth and Love.
“I wanted to convey to these students to live your life truthfully, do what’s right for you – not what others think is right for you. Nothing good happens out of fear. Do what you love doing. It might be scary because you’re taking a risk, but at the end of the day you can say you tried.“ — Juliana Margulies, in a graduation speech at Sarah Lawrence, her alma mater
Juliana Margulies is an American actress who achieved success as a regular character on ER, for which she received an Emmy. More recently, she took the lead role in The Good Wife, and has received a Golden Globe and two Screen Actors Guild awards. She was married in 2007, and has one son.